Started framing on the southern Cal Gas Bakersfield Base Building. The scope of work includes heavy gauge bearing shear wall framing, applying SureBoard, interior wall framing, drywall, exterior mansard framing with DensElement, Lath and Stucco and a drywall ceiling suspension system. This project has three separate buildings.

Job Site From Above

Job Site From Above

Starting Interior Bearing Shear Walls

Framing Interior Bearing Shear Walls

Framing Interior Bearing Shear Walls

Framing Bearing Shear Walls

Installing SureBoard

Framing Interior Bearing Shear Walls / SureBoard

Framing Interior Bearing Shear Walls / SureBoard

Raising Concrete Tilt Up Panels

Raising Concrete Tilt Up Panels

Installing SureBoard

Installing SureBoard

Exterior Soffit Framing